NORC Initiative to Advance the Careers of Researchers from Groups Underrepresented in Academia (URiA)

The Nutrition Obesity Research Centers (NORC’s) began this initiative in 2020 with leadership and direction from NORCH Director of Diversity & Inclusion Dr. Fatima Stanford. The goals are to first identify barriers to career success for scientists who are from underrepresented backgrounds, then present actionable items for the NORC’s and similar institutions to  adopt, and ultimately pave the way for an equitable and inclusive future for scientific and medical fields. 

We encourage scientists at all stages in their career and of all backgrounds to watch the presentation videos below. For more information on this initiative and the leadership team, please visit the NORC at UAB website.

Video Recordings and Event Details

Improving the Promotion and Tenure Success of Scientists from URiA Groups

September 11, 2020

Moderator: Fatima Cody Stanford, MD, MPH, MPA, FAAP, FACP, FAHA, FTOS
Assistant Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics, Massachusetts General Hospital/ Harvard Medical School
Director of Diversity, Nutrition Obesity Research Center at Harvard

Director of External Consultative Care, MGH Weight Center

Speaker: Barriers to obtaining NIH funding for URiAs – Jean Lud Cadet, MD
Senior Investigator, NIDA IRP at NIH
Chief, Molecular Neuropsychiatry Research Branch, NIDA IRP at NIH
Chief, Molecular Neuropsychiatry Section, NIDA IRP at NIH

Speaker: Policy-based solutions to improve funding outcomes for URiAs – E. Dale Abel, MD, PhD

Francois M. Abboud Chair in Internal Medicine, Department Executive Officer, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Iowa
John B. Stokes III Chair in Diabetes Research, University of Iowa
Director, Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center
Professor, Medicine, Biochemistry, and Biomedical Engineering, University of Iowa


Advancing the (NIH) Funding Success of Scientists from URiA Groups

September 25, 2020

Moderator: Michelle Cardel, PhD, MS, RD, FTOS
Assistant Professor, Department of Health Outcomes & Biomedical Informatics
Director, Obesity Research Alliance
Associate Director, Center for Integrative Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases, University of Florida College of Medicine

Speaker: Current landscape of promotion and tenure in academia by race/ethnicity and why these disparities exist – Joan Reede, MD, MPH, MS, MBA
Dean for Diversity and Community Partnership, Harvard Medical School

Speaker: Solutions to improve outcomes in promotion & tenure attainment in URiA groups – Jose Fernandez, PhD
Professor and Vice Chair for Education, Department of Nutrition Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Increasing the representation of individuals from URiA groups in leadership

October 9, 2020

Moderator: Steven Grinspoon, MD
Director, Nutrition Obesity Research Center at Harvard
Chief, MGH Metabolism Unit
Professor of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital/ Harvard Medical School

Speaker: Defining demographics of leaders in academic leadership, the need for diverse representation, and reasons for URiA underrepresentation – Sherita Golden, MD, MHS
Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer, Johns Hopkins Medicine
Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medicine

Speaker: Discuss leadership development programs and other solutions for improving advancement of URiA in academia – James Gavin, III, MD, PhD
CEO & Chief Medical Officer, Healing Our Village, Inc.
Clinical Professor of Medicine, Emory University

Speaker: Personal story of a leader from group URiA: How I made it – pros versus cons – Gary Bennett, PhD
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Duke University
Professor of Psychology & Neuroscience, Global Health, and Medicine, Duke University

Enhancing the overall experience of scientists from URiA groups

October 23, 2020

Moderator: Jim Hill, PhD
Director, UAB Nutrition Research Center (NORC)
Department Chair, Nutrition Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Health Professions

Speaker: Real life challenges and experiences of being URiA: The role of institutional challenges and racism – Fatima Cody Stanford, MD, MPH, MPA, FAAP, FACP, FAHA, FTOS
Assistant Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics, Massachusetts General Hospital/ Harvard Medical School
Director of Diversity, Nutrition Obesity Research Center at Harvard
Director of External Consultative Care, MGH Weight Center

Speaker: My Story of Life in Academia as one who is URiA – Terri Lynn Major-Kincade, MD, MPH
Attending Neonatologist, MEDNAX Medical Group, JPS Healthcare Systems
Chair, Steering Committee for African American Outreach, Texas March of Dimes, Perinatal Health Disparities
National Board Member, Perinatal Loss and Infant Death Alliance
National Board Member, Return to Zero Hope Foundation

Speaker: Strategies for academic institutions to create safer, more inclusive, and more supportive environments in which URiA can flourish – Antonio Farias, MS, MFA
Chief Diversity Officer & Senior Advisor to the President, University of Florida

Addressing the additional challenges for URiA women

October 30, 2020

Moderator: Tiffany Carson, PhD
Assistant Professor, Division of Preventive Medicine
University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine

Speaker: Additional challenges navigating a career in academia as a woman – Michelle Cardel, PhD, MS, RD, FTOS
Assistant Professor, Department of Health Outcomes & Biomedical Informatics, University of Florida College of Medicine
Director, Obesity Research Alliance
Associate Director, Center for Integrative Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases, University of Florida College of Medicine

Speaker: Racism and impact on advancement of black women URiA- Monica Baskin, PhD
Professor and Vice Chair for Culture and Diversity, Department of Medicine
Associate Director for Community Outreach and Engagement, O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine

Speaker: Navigating a career in academia as a URiA with a disability – Anjali Forber-Pratt, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Human and Organizational Development, Vanderbilt Peabody College

Speaker: Navigating the crossroads for LGBTQIA+ in academia – Alicia Fernandez, MD
Professor, College of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
Internist, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital

Panel Discussion: A discussion of intersectionality including gender, race/ethnicity, cultural norms, ability, and sexual orientation.