Genomics and Cell Biology Core
The goal of the Genomics and Cell Biology Core is to facilitate the application of cutting-edge genomics, bioinformatics, cell biology, and immunology techniques to nutrition and metabolic research.
Getting started:
Interested in utilizing the services and equipment of the Genomics and Cell Biology Core at the NORCH? Hear from Dr. Ruslan Sadreyev on how to get started.
Core Services
Individual consultation and training services:
Strategic design of next-generation sequencing, nanoString, and microarray-based transcriptional profiling and other genomics related experiments
Illumina next-generation sequencing, including single-cell applications
Bioinformatic analysis of next-generation sequencing, nanoString, microarray, proteomics, and other large-scale data sets.
Variety of histologic, microscopic, cell biologic, tissue culture, and immunologic techniques and equipment
Specialized techniques in morphological, immunological, and tissue culture experiments
Cell culture-based techniques
Establishment of animal models for nutritional, food allergy, and obesity studies
Additional Services
Construction of next-generation sequencing libraries from submitted DNA or RNA
Construction of single-cell next-generation sequencing libraries for scRNA-seq, CITE-seq, scATAC-seq from submitted cell samples
Next-generation sequencing, with a major focus on RNA-Seq, metagenomics, ChIP-Seq, various single-cell platforms, and other experimental applications
Flow cytometry, cell sorting, phenotypic and functional analysis of lymphocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, NK cells, and mast cells
Real-time-PCR and FACS for various transcription factors, cytokines, and chemokines and other immunologic assays
Workshops on next-generation sequencing applications, bioinformatic analysis of high-throughput data, and other genomics-related procedures
Workshops on basic concepts in molecular biology and nutrition
Click for the full list of equipment
- Perkin Elmer fluorescence spectrometer
- Inverted and epi fluorescence Zeiss microscopes
- Nikon Eclipse fluorescence microscope
- Union Biometrica COPAS BioSort robot
- Titertek MapC2 Liquid and Agar Dispenser
- Illumina HiSeq 2500
- Illumina NextSeq 2000
- Illumina MiSeq
- Illumina CBot
- 10 x Genomics Chromium
- Covaris S2 shearing device
- Agilent BioAnalyzer
- BioRad qPCR
- Flow cytometers (Attune NxT Flow Cytometer)
- Vario-MACS immunomagnetic cell sorting unit
- Beckman-Coulter DU-640 spectrophotometer
- Neon Transfection System
- ChemiDocMP Imaging System
- SpectraMax ABS Microplate Readers
- Luminex MAGPIX System
Inquiries and Scheduling
Office Hours: Fridays at 9:30am
Dr. Sadreyev and Dr. Faherty hold office hours on a weekly basis for questions related to the services offered above. Zoom details can be requested via this inquiry form.
Interested in utilizing our services or equipment for a current or upcoming project? Fill out the inquiry form below.
Core Leadership
Alessio Fasano, MD
Director of Genomics and Cell Biology Core
Allan Walker Chair in Pediatric Gastroenterology and
Christina Faherty, PhD
Primary Contact - Cell Biology Services
Associate Director of Genomics and Cell Biology Core
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Phone: 617-726-5577
Ruslan Sadreyev, PhD
Primary Contact - Genomics Services
Associate Director of Genomics and Cell Biology Core
Assistant Professor of Pathology
Phone: 617-643-5697