Pennington Biomedical Research Center is seeking postdoctoral fellows interested in the complex
interactions between genetic, molecular, physiological, behavioral, and environmental aspects of obesity.
These fellowships will be supported by an NIH T32 training grant entitled “Training in Obesity Research”
which provides up to three years of funding including NIH salary, benefits, travel, and research support. The
training program is directed by Drs. Phil Brantley and Leanne Redman and uses hands on laboratory
mentoring and interactive seminars to train new investigators in the knowledge and skills necessary for
establishing an independent research career. Pennington Biomedical also has three NIH Center grants that
provide resources for postdocs. These include: (1) an NIDDK sponsored Nutrition Obesity Research Center
(NORC) that studies nutrition and metabolic health through the lifespan; (2) an NCCIH sponsored Botanical
Dietary Supplements Research Center that examines botanicals and their impact on metabolic syndrome;
and (3) The Louisiana Clinical and Translational Science Center (LA CaTS), an NIH IDeA Center led by NIGMS.
The program has been continuously funded since 2003 and has trained 26 scientists, nearly all of whom have
continued in research and acquired academic careers. Graduates have been awarded over 58 research grants
and have produced over 600 publications.
For more information on the Pennington Biomedical Research Center and instructions on how to apply for this program, click here.